Rural Health is National Health

Montana WWAMI TRUST Program

Rural Track Program
Family Medicine

TRUST (Targeted Rural Underserved Track) is an application-based program within Montana WWAMI that gives medical students hands-on experience in nearly a dozen clinics in underserved or rural communities across the state. After completing the TRUST admission process and being accepted into the program, Montana TRUST scholars are matched with a community in Montana where they will benefit from the expertise of physician preceptors who mentor them over the course of their medical school career. The goal of TRUST is to grow Montana’s physician pipeline, deepening connections among medical students, local physician preceptors who help train them, and the patients they serve in rural, underserved communities. The partnership between MSU and UW School of Medicine helps meet the workforce needs of our state.

Program Contact

Lisa Benzel

Program Director

Lisa Benzel

If you or your program would like to engage with RMTC, we’d love to connect! Join or support our collaborative to foster and sustain medica education in rural places.