The University of Maryland School of Medicine Department of Family and Community Medicine proposes a rural and urban health infrastructure enhancement initiative aimed at addressing COVID-19 health disparities and inequities. The initiative will develop a community workforce trained comprehensively in COVID-19 prevention, mitigation, and vaccines, while also conducting outreach to connect community members to primary care and chronic disease services. Educational efforts will focus on Long COVID awareness and resource linkage. Additionally, a pandemic preparedness blueprint will be developed, encompassing necessary workforce strategies for future readiness. The initiative aims to build infrastructure that promotes interest in health professions, enhancing recruitment and retention of professionals in health professional shortage areas. This multi-partner, community-based effort will expand the workforce and educate/train community members to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 resources and services. Areas to be served under the project include West Baltimore City, Caroline County, Dorchester County, Kent County, Somerset County, Talbot County, Queen Anne’s County, Wicomico County, and Worcester County.